
i miss F1

i can't play ... neither MU nor gunbound ... this freakin PC at work can't run gunbound for some weird reason ... (i am near crying actually) ... then, for some weird reason, i remembered the F1 races ... i love watching F1 way before, when i still have lots of time in my hands ... and when my fave team is second best ... trust me, that Michael Schumacher is a good driver.

anyway, i get to watch one race (i forgot where) on Star Sports ... and i was sooo ... WADDAFUDGE?!?! surprised that my fave driver, JP Montoya, isn't wearing blue and white anymore

Juan Pablo THEN

instead he's wearing black and gray! (sizzling hot!)

Juan Pablo NOW

what is even more surprising is that Toyota is now above BMW-Williams on the constructors championship. waddaheck happened to BMW? i remembered liking BMW because they were the underdogs during the 2003 races, besides, BMW is one car maker that i like. And that JP Montoya is one hot driver (his wife's hot too!) i tell you.

and then, looking at the races now... WOW, big changes. from 9 constructors, it's now 10! and Michael Schumi getting oust by the young and handsome (haha handsome daw) Fernando Alonso!

that's like...huwaw! Kimi Raikkonen is still second best though. (demm he looks hot in this pic)

also, Renault is now number 1! guess ferrari got too dependent on their aging driver huh? teehee

hmm... see what happens when i don't get to play MU?? or any games for that matter...


Anonymous said...

waaa. spam!

thejoketh™ said...

sabi na nga ba malalaos din ferrari... ~^_^~